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Both of my grandfathers were men of the theatre: my maternal grandfather, David Land, was an impresario who discovered and managed Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd –Webber. My paternal grandfather, Alfred Esdaile, was instrumental in setting up the English Stage Company at The Royal Court and, as the licensee, went to court over the stoning of the baby in Edward Bond’s “SAVED”.
I must have inherited a passion for it as, despite the best efforts of my parents to persuade me otherwise, I became a theatre director!
I read English and Drama at Goldsmiths College, London University and completed the first Director’s Course at The National Theatre Studio in 1995.
I assisted at Shakespeare’s Globe for two seasons; notably on Mark Rylance’s inaugural season as Artistic Director, in which he played HENRY V.
I also assisted Michael Boyd and Michael Attenborough at The RSC and went on to be Michael Boyd’s Associate on the Olivier Award winning productions of HENRY VI, Parts I, II and III and RICHARD III.
I have directed on the London fringe at theatres including The Finborough, BAC, Arcola and The Bush.
Regional theatres in which I have directed include Watford Palace, Drum theatre Plymouth, Salisbury Playhouse, Hull Truck, Birmingham Rep, Octagon Bolton, The Royal Exchange and The Rose, Kingston.
At West Yorkshire Playhouse, where I was Ian Brown’s Associate, I directed six productions, five of which were in the 750 seat Quarry Theatre and include the critically acclaimed DEEP BLUE SEA, starring Maxine Peake, DEATH OF A SALESMAN with Philip Jackson and CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF.
I have directed commercial tours for Hull Truck and Richard Jordan and for Danny Moar at Theatre Royal Bath and ATG, including the 40 th anniversary production of ABIGAIL’S PARTY. Also, touring productions for the Birmingham Rep and for Clean Break Theatre company.
I have also devised and directed a one man show with Jeremy Paxman called PAXO which completed a sell-out run at The Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh, during the Summer of 2014.
My production of COYOTE ON A FENCE, transferred from The Royal Exchange to the West End. It also won an M.E.N award, as did my production of JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH at The Octagon Theatre.
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